No. Title Date
1 "Family Functioning" students
2 "Patients" in the classroom
3 20,000 words
4 Adding a test tube to a tray, October 19, 1976
5 Bienvenidos
6 Biology lab and students
7 Biology lab, [September 23, 1967]
8 Channing, Rose, teaching, November 1966
9 Chef carving cucumber
10 Chef with students
11 Class in Library room 001
12 Class in Library room 003
13 Classrom, NB
14 Colburn, Robert (Bob)
15 Concentrating on typing, 1966-1967
16 Developing proofs
17 Dineen, John with students
18 Mannion, Thomas, in classroom
19 No caps
20 Pam, Carol with students