2024 STEAM Day

Material Information

2024 STEAM Day
Alarcon, Ana
Publication Date:


General Note:
• Falling felines and fundamental physics • Time to think small : how nimble environmental technologies can solve the planet's biggest problems • Engineering in plain sight : an illustrated field guide to the constructed environment • Why trust science? • Humble pi : when math goes wrong in the real world • The creativity code : art and innovation in the age of AI • I contain multitudes : the microbes within us and a grander view of life • x + y : a mathematician's manifesto for rethinking gender • The disordered cosmos : a journey into dark matter, spacetime, and dreams deferred
General Note:
• The art book • A human's guide to machine intelligence : how algorithms are shaping our lives and how we can stay in control • Applied minds : how engineers think • The lady tasting tea : how statistics revolutionized science in the twentieth century • The art of creative thinking : 89 ways to see things differently • Storm in a teacup : the physics of everyday life • The Web was done by amateurs : a reflection on one of the largest collective systems ever engineered • Astrophysics for people in a hurry
General Note:
• Indigenous ingenuity : a celebration of traditional North American knowledge • How to bake π : an edible exploration of the mathematics of mathematics • A feast of science : intriguing morsels from the science of everyday life • The math myth : and other STEM delusions • Takedown : art and power in the digital age • The field guide to citizen science : how you can contribute to scientific research and make a difference • Creating things that matter : the art & science of innovations that last • Brief lessons in seeing differently • The story of NFTs : artists, technology, and democracy

Record Information

Source Institution:
Middlesex College
Holding Location:
Middlesex College Library
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All rights reserved by the source institution.