Piscataway Burial Grounds & It's Myths

Material Information

Piscataway Burial Grounds & It's Myths
Series Title:
Oral History of Middlesex County
R-Plyam, Alevia ( interviewer )
Stochel, Walter ( interviewee )
Espinoza-Wulach, Cristóbal ( Advisor )
Place of Publication:
Edison, NJ
Middlesex College
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
Physical Description:
[23] Minutes, [MOV], Text Transcription


Subjects / Keywords:
Edison, NJ -- Middlesex County (N.J.) ( cemetery )
Middlesex County (N.J.) -- history -- Oral Histories ( piscataway burial ground )
oral histories ( lcsh )
Temporal Coverage:
2024 Spring ( - 2024 )
Spatial Coverage:
New Jersey -- Middlesex County
New Jersey -- Middlesex County -- Edison


Abstract: The interview with Walter Stochel, a board member of the Edison Greenways Group, delves into the historical significance and ongoing research at the Piscataway Burial Grounds in Middlesex County, New Jersey. Stochel discusses the cemetery's rich history dating back to 1695, its role as a community cemetery, and efforts by local groups to preserve and study it. He highlights milestone moments such as the ground-penetrating radar (GPR) studies revealing previously unknown features like the "Colored Burial Ground" and the foundation of the Piscataway School House. Stochel also addresses popular myths surrounding the cemetery, including stories about Mary Moore, Thomas W. Harper, and a boy who stole a headstone. Despite these myths, Stochel emphasizes the site's importance as a historical landmark and advocates for its preservation and respectful visitation by the community. Overall, the interview sheds light on the efforts to uncover and preserve the rich history of the Piscataway Burial Grounds while addressing popular myths and emphasizing its significance as a historical site for the community.
General Note:
Recorded on April 24, 2024, at the Piscataway Burial Grounds in Middlesex County, New Jersey.
General Note:
(Biographical) Walter Stochel is a dedicated member of the Edison Greenways Group and a passionate advocate for historical preservation in Middlesex County, New Jersey. With a background in community engagement and a deep interest in local history, Stochel has been involved in various initiatives to research, protect, and maintain the Piscataway Burial Grounds. His extensive knowledge about the cemetery's history and ongoing research efforts makes him a valuable resource for understanding the significance of this landmark. Stochel is devoted to commemorating the past and enhancing the community's awareness of its cultural heritage, which is shown in his efforts to preserve the burial grounds' legacy.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Middlesex College Institution
Holding Location:
Middlesex College Institution
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